We help earth through beats.

Lofi Cult is a Record Label dedicated to Chill Beats, Lounge, Coffee Shop, & Lofi House Music. Through listening to our playlists, you can help us make a difference and help those in need on Earth.

About us

Lofi Cult

At Lofi Cult, our aim is to create an inspiring space where creativity thrives, enriching the lives of our artists and listeners. We firmly believe in the impact of gentle background beats in cultivating coffee shop and lounge atmospheres that spark creativity, cultivate chill moods, stir emotions, and connect us all beyond cultural boundaries. In our inclusive community, everyone is welcome, except being hate. Let’s come together and enjoy a delightful time.

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Current Project

As part of our “Beats for Earth” initiative, we collaborate with Action Africa Germany (aaD) on a project addressing the lack of affordable eye surgeries in Africa, particularly among children, resulting in avoidable blindness. This routine procedure can be performed by medical professionals for around $130 under general anesthesia. We are committed to provide our utmost assistance in this area. The aaD has been honored with the donation seal by the German Institute for Social Issues (DZI).

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Beats for Earth

We strive to make a positive impact and assist those in need through our “Beats for Earth” project. By dedicating approximately one-third of our earnings, we support causes that align with our belief in addressing urgent humanitarian issues. These projects will evolve over time, carefully chosen based on our personal assessment of where help is most needed. You can contribute to our mission and help those in need simply by listening to our playlists.


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Collaborating Artists

Palm Jardin
Buena Vista
Lofi Cult

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